ミッサンティスク チャワリット
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国籍: 身分: 部活・サークル: 趣味: 出身高専: 実務訓練先: |
タイ 日本学術振興会 外国人特別研究員 (ポスドク) ボランティア 写真 Suankularb Wittayalai School (タイ) National Electronics and Computer Technology Center |
研究テーマ |
ハプティクス通信と人間ロボットインタラクションのための高性能バイラテラル制御系の研究 High performance Bilateral control system for haptic communication and human-robot interaction |
原著論文 |
[1] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura, and K. Ohishi:
「Sensorless Interaction Force Control Based on B-Spline Function for Human-Robot Systems」
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, vol. 1, no. 6, pp. 452-459, Nov. 2008. [2] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura, and K. Ohishi: 「Kalman-Filter-Based Sensor Integration of Variable Power Assist Control Based on Human Stiffness Estimation」 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 56, no. 10, pp. 3897-3905, Oct. 2009. [3] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura: 「Development and Analysis of a Wire-Based Robot with Twin Direct-Drive Motor System」 IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 130-D, no. 3, pp. 385-392, Mar. 2010. [4] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura, and K. Ohishi: 「Force Control of Human-Robot Interaction Using Twin Direct-Drive Motor System Based on Modal Space Design」 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 1383-1392, Apr. 2010. [5] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura: 「Kalman Filter-Based Disturbance Observer and its Applications to Sensorless Force Control」 Advanced Robotics, vol.25, no. 3-4, pp. 335-353, Jan. 2011. [6] T. T. Phuong, C. Mitsantisuk, and K. Ohishi: 「High Performance Force Sensing Based on Kalman-Filter-Based Disturbance Observer Utilizing FPGA」 IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 131-D, no. 3, pp. 334-342, Mar. 2011. [7] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura, and K. Ohishi: 「Control of Interaction Force of Twin Direct-Drive Motor System Using Variable Wire Rope Tension With Multi-Sensor Integration」 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 498-510, Jan. 2012 [8] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura, and K. Ohishi: 「Estimation of Action/Reaction Forces for the Bilateral Control using Kalman Filter」 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, (This paper has been accepted for publication) [9] M. Nandayapa, C. Mitsantisuk, , and K. Ohishi,: 「High Performance Velocity Estimation for Controllers with Short Processing Time by FPGA」 IEEJ Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 55-61 Jul. 2012 [10] M. Nandayapa, C. Mitsantisuk, , and K. Ohishi: 「Enhance Transparency on Ball Screw Teleoperation Robot System using Novel Velocity Estimation Method in FPGA」 Advanced Robotics, (Under review process) |
国際会議 |
[1] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura and K. Ohishi:
「Automatic Load Regulation System for Training System Using B-Spline Interpolation」
in The 4th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM ’07, Kumamoto, Japan, May. 2007,pp. 1-6. [2] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura and K. Ohishi: 「Sensorless Interaction Force Control Based on Modal Space Design for Twin Belt-Driven System」 in SICE Annual Conference 2007, International Conference on Instrumentation, Control and Information Technology, SICE’ 07, Takamatsu, Japan, Sep. 2007, pp. 2327-2332. [3] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura and K. Ohishi: 「Variable Power Assist Control of Twin Direct-Drive Motor System Based on Human Stiffness Estimation」 in The 10th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMC ’08,Trento, Italy, Mar. 2008, pp. 520-525. [4] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura: 「Design and Control of Cooperative Human-Robot System Based on Variable Wire Rope Tension Actuators」 in Japan-Thailand Bilateral Symposium 2008 on Higher Practical Engineering Education and Research Organization Nagaoka, Japan, Dec. 2008. [5] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura,: 「Identification of Twin Direct-Drive Motor System with Consideration of Wire Rope Tension」 in The 5th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM ’09, Malaga, Spain, Apr. 2009. [6] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura: 「Application of The Twin Direct-Drive Motor System for Human-Robot Interaction Control」 in The 1st joint symposium between National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) and Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT), Pathumthani, Thailand, May. 2009. [7] C. Mitsantisuk, T. T. Phuong, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura: 「Analysis of Interaction Force of Wire-Based Robot Using Variable Wire Rope Tension Control」 in The 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON ’09, Porto, Portugal, Nov. 2009. (Received IEEE IES student scholarship award) [8] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura: 「Simulation and Identification of Twin Direct-Drive Motor System based on Variable Wire Rope Tension Control」 in The 2nd Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference, TJIA2009, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 2009, pp. 77. [9] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura and K. Ohishi: 「Stiffness Modeling Across Transition Temperatures in Virtual Environments by B-Spline Interpolation」 in The 11th IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control, AMC ’10, Nagaoka, Japan, Mar. 2010, pp. 349-354. [10] C. Mitsantisuk, T. T. Phuong, K. Ohishi, and S. Katsura: 「Combining Position and Acceleration Information for High Performance of Bilateral Control using Kalman-Filter-Based Disturbance Observer」 in The 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON ’10, Glendale, AZ, USA., Nov. 2010. [11] T. T. Phuong, C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, and M. Sazawa: 「FPGA-based Wideband Force Sensing with Kalman-Filter-Based Disturbance Observer」 in The 36th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON ’10, Glendale, AZ, USA., Nov. 2010. [12] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, and S. Katsura: 「Transmission of Haptic Sensation for Human-Assisted Devices」 in The 3rd Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference, TJIA2010, Nagoya , Japan, Nov. 2010. (Received Best Presentation Award) [13] C. Mitsantisuk, T. T. Phuong, K. Ohishi, and S. Katsura: 「Sensorless Force Sensing Using Kalman Filtering Techniques for Bilateral Control System」 in The 8th edition of France-Japan and 6th Europe-Asia Congress on Mechatronics, MECATRONICS’10, Yokohama, Japan, Nov. 2010. [14] T. T. Phuong, C. Mitsantisuk, and K. Ohishi: 「Multi-sensor Fusion in Kalman-filter for High Performance Force Sensing」 in The 2011 Joint IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics (ICIT) & South-eastern Symposium on System Theory (SSST) , ICIT-SSST 2011, Auburn, Alabama March, 2011. [15] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, and S. Katsura: 「Variable Mechanical Stiffness based on Human Stiffness Estimation」 in The 6th IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics, ICM ’11, Istanbul, Turkey, Apr. 2011. [16] T. T. Phuong, R. Furusawa, C. Mitsantisuk, and K. Ohishi: 「Force Sensing Considering Periodic Disturbance Suppression Based on High Order Disturbance Observer and Kalman-filter」 in The 4th International Conference on Human System Interaction, HSI 2011, Yokohama, Japan, May, 2011. [17] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, and S. Katsura: 「Design of Ball-Cage Miniature Stroke for Integration in A Flexible Actuator with Thrust Wire」 in The 1st International Symposium on Access Spaces, IEEE-ISAS ’11, Yokohama, Japan, June, 2011. [18] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, and S. Katsura: 「Compensation of Backlash for Improving the Efficiency of Flexible Actuator in Bilateral Teleoperation System」 in The 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON ’11, Melbourne, Australia, Nov., 2011. [19] S. Yaemprayoon, C. Mitsantisuk, and K. Ohishi: 「Development of Temperature Controller by Using Customized Proportional Controller Based on Disturbance Observer」 in The 4h Thailand-Japan International Academic Conference, TJIA2011, Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2011. |
国内学会 |
[1] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura and K. Ohishi:
「Sensorless Reactive Force Control of Two-inertia Model by Dual Disturbance Observer」
in Proceedings of the 2006 IEE Japan, Niigata Section Nagaoka, Japan, Nov. 2006, pp. 55. [2] C. Mitsantisuk, N. Goto S. Katsura and K. Ohishi: 「Robust Reactive Force Control without Force Sensor Based on Dual Disturbance Observer with Consideration of Two-Inertia System」 in Proceedings of the 2007 IEE Japan Technical Meeting on Semiconductor Power Converter, IEE Japan Kyoto, Japan, Jan. 2007, pp. 13-18. [3] C. Mitsantisuk, S. Katsura and K. Ohishi: 「Wideband of Force Sensing by Twin Direct-Drive Motor System with Acceleration Sensor」 in Proceedings of the 2008 IEE Japan Technical Meeting on Industrial Instrumentation and Control, IEE Japan Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2008, vol. 3, pp. 19-25. [4] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura: 「SensorlessWire Rope Tension Approach to Improve the Vibration-Free Performance of Cooperative Human-Robot Systems」 in Proceedings of the 2009 IEE Japan Technical Meeting on Industrial Instrumentation and Control, IEE Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2009, vol. 5, pp. 13-18. [5] C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura: 「Development of Bilateral Robot System between Different Mechanical Structure Based on Modal Space Design」 in Proceedings of the 2009 Annual Meeting IEE Japan, Hokkaido, Japan, Mar. 2009, vol. 4, pp. 414-415. [6] C. Mitsantisuk, T. T. Phuong, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura: 「Improvement of Twin Direct-Drive Motor System for Controlling Velocity Based on Variable Wire Rope Tension Control」 in Proceedings of the 2009 IEE Japan Technical Meeting on Industry Society, Mie, Japan, Sep. 2009, vol. 2, pp. 465-470. [7] C. Mitsantisuk, T. T. Phuong, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara, and S. Katsura: 「Development of Disturbance Observer and its Applications to Sensorless Force Control」 in The 27th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Yokohama, Japan, Sep. 2009, no. 2M2-02, pp. 1-4. [8] T. T. Phuong, C. Mitsantisuk, K. Ohishi, S. Urushihara: 「High Performance of Force Control Based on Kalman Filter-Disturbance Observer Utilizing FPGA」 in Proceedings of the 2010 IEE Japan Technical Meeting on Industrial Instrumentation and Control, IEE Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Mar. 2010. [9] T. T. Phuong, C. Mitsantisuk, and K. Ohishi: 「Advantages of Acceleration Measurement in Force Sensing by Disturbance Observer」 in The 28th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Nagoya, Japan, Sep. 2010. [10] ミッサンティスク チャワリット、大石 潔、桂 誠一郎: 「ミニチュアストロークを用いたスラストワイヤの新しい設計法によるフレキシブルアクチュエータの改善」 産業計測制御研究会、千葉、3月、2011 [11] M. D. J. Nandayapa Alfaro, C. Mitsantisuk, and K. Ohishi: 「Velocity Control Based on A Wide Range of Velocity Estimation in FPGA」 in Proceedings of the 2011 IEE Japan Technical Meeting on Industrial Instrumentation and Control, IEE Japan, Chiba, Japan, Mar. 2011. [12] ミッサンティスク チャワリット、大石 潔、桂 誠一郎: 「フレキシブルアクチュエータのためのモード変換を用いたバックラッシュ誤差解析と補償」 産業応用部門大会、沖縄、9月、2011 [13] M. D. J. Nandayapa Alfaro, C. Mitsantisuk, and K. Ohishi: 「High Feedback Force Sensation in Bilateral Ball-Screw System Based on FPGA with a Novel Velocity Estimation Method」 in The 29th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, Sep. 2009. [14] ミッサンティスク チャワリット、ヤエムプラユーン サラユット、大石 潔、桂 誠一郎: 「多質点系ロボットのシステムにおけるマルチエンコーダに基づいた外乱オブザーバの開発」 第54回自動制御連合講演会、愛知、11月、2011 |
受賞歴 |
[1] IEEE IES student scholarship award 2009 (国際会議[7]) [2] Best presentation award (国際会議[12]) [3] Dean’s prize of commendation for outstanding performance of academic and research (Nagaoka University of Technology) |
特記事項 |
[1] JASSO奨学金 (交換留学生:2003) [2] 文部科学省奨学金 (修士課程:2005-2007) [3] 文部科学省奨学金 (博士課程:2007-2010) [4] 日本学術振興会 外国人特別研究員 (ポスドク:2010-2012) |